Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay
Let me tell you how writing out my bills and expenses helped me out. I was sitting at work one day, constantly thinking about where I was financially and how I got there. I was living paycheck to paycheck at the time and I could not figure out where my money was going. I’m never the type to sit in my own pity, so I decided to take measures. Let me tell you how writing out my bills and expenses helped me out.
For Motivational Purposes…
To figure out where my money was going, I sat down and wrote everything out.
Now, there are two types of people in this world; those that are broke and stay broke until they someday hit the lottery, and those who will do something about it. I’m a firm believer that YOU are in control of your life, so if you aren’t satisfied then you must make the change so you are. All I had to do was figure out the best way to implement my change.
I was cleaning my apartment one day, listening to an audiobook called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. One of the most amazing audiobooks I’ve ever listened to; It is truly a must-read. It’s a blueprint on how wealthy people think and contributed a fortune to me putting my goals and aspirations into fruition. Here are a few things that stuck with me the most:
- Manifestation is real, so everything begins with your thoughts.
- Rich people believe “I create my life”, poor people believe “life happens to me”.
- Get in the game. If you want it, start it.
- Energy is contagious: either you affect people or infect people.
- There’s nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it interferes with your ability to earn what you’re worth. Which It usually does.
I won’t share too many key points because I want you all to read/listen to it as well.
After finishing it, I started my blog and was no longer at a job that was not paying me enough. But of course, this was after I wrote out my monthly bills and expenses. It wasn’t until I added everything up that I realized I had more bills than what I was making. So, instead of eliminating bills to make ends meet, I decided the only solution was that I needed more money. I wasn’t happy at my job and they weren’t paying me enough, so why was I still there?
Below is an example of what I wrote out half a year ago. I was making $28,000 but with taxes and benefits, this is what my income came out to:

Quickly after starting my blog, I knew what type of work I wanted to do. So, I fixed my resume a little, made some adjustments to my LinkedIn, and made sure my website was nice enough for a recruiter to glance at.
In my free time, I spent my entire day either working on my blog or applying to an enormous amount of jobs in the field I wanted to work in. I was starting to see some progress but I am so confident in myself that I wasn’t going to accept the first offer just because they were first. Along with the pay, I had to make sure it was a healthy work environment with good hours…I refused to be miserable. I knew my worth and I wasn’t going to sink (I now have a job that I really enjoy and pays me more, remember, never settle).
Referring back to the line, rich people believe “I create my life”, poor people believe “life happens to me”–I knew it was up to me to be exactly where I wanted to be and if I had the “the world is against me” mentality then I wasn’t going to get far. I spoke it, put action towards it, and it happened. There are circumstances where people feel they lack the proper resources to get where they need to be but there is a way around everything.
Wealth File #13: Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
I don’t mind working because working income is important, but having financial value is the true measure of wealth. Along with wanting to make more money, I want to invest long-term. I also know that I need the working income to invest and once I have savings and investments I’ve reached my true pinnacle. On the way to me reaching my pinnacle, I needed more money than just what was paying my bills.
If you’re living paycheck to paycheck, and you are leaving it up to the Lord to get you out of it; he can only do so much without any action on your part. What’s stopping you from applying for that better-paying job or starting that business venture?
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