complaining is bad

Why Complaining is Such A Bad Habit?

Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay

Did you know that when you complain, it automatically alters your brain for negativity, which blocks other elements like creativity and productivity? Sometimes it’s good to ask yourself, where do I play a part in my own happiness in my circumstances? I like to reason that complaining is not completely avoidable…but if you have the time to sit around and complain, then you can make the time to do something to change your situation as well.

Why Do We Complain?

Most people would argue that we complain when we are unsatisfied with something at the moment in our lives, but there are many definitions of complaining. To express dissatisfaction, annoyance, feelings of pain, or resentment. To express grief, discontent, displeasure, or to grumble. According to Habits for Wellbeing, in his book Complaint Free World, Will Bowen shares five reasons why we complain.

  1. To get attention
  2. Remove responsibility
  3. Inspire Envy
  4. Power
  5. Excuse poor performance

When you read these reasons, do you see now how this causes a problem?

Why Complaining is Unhealthy

Being a chronic complainer is toxic to the brain. Again, not saying complaining is completely unavoidable, but cutting back on it and replacing it with gratitude can help the brain produce positive reinforcement instead of negativity. What you feed your brain is what it settles for. If you complain all the time, you’re more likely to be unhappy and negative. The time you spend complaining could be geared toward other productive things like finding solutions to the things that leave you unsatisfied. We relate complaining to negativity, which again kills productivity and creativity.

What To Do With a Chronic Complainer

Being in the company of a chronic complainer is toxic. It’s easy to absorb these types of people and behaviors. But instead of absorbing, try offering solutions. Set boundaries-let them know you’re open to talking and listening but will not engage in the repetitive dialogue that they are constantly trying to have. Encourage them to express gratitude instead.

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