Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay
One thing a lot of people underestimate about the human body is how vital sleep actually is. On our journeys to self-improvement, we must make sure that we are taking sleep into consideration. Here are some common sleeping myths that are indeed true.
Myth 1: Sleep is the same for both men and women.
According to the Sleep Foundation, men and women have different circadian rhythms, which can affect the quality of our sleep.
Circadian rhythms are controlled by our body’s internal clock. This helps regulate the processes and systems our bodies go through, one of those processes being sleep. It helps coordinate those functions at a specific time of day.
Women’s circadian rhythm timing tends to go off earlier than men’s. This means women tend to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier than men.
Myth 3: Sleep shouldn’t be a priority.
A good sleep schedule helps with emotional well-being, along with your body’s cognitive functioning. With good sleep, you tend to get sick less often, it helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress, and improves your mood. Not getting enough sleep can most likely result in sleep deprivation.
Sleep Deprivation is a general term for lack of sleep or an inadequate amount or quality of sleep.
Myth 2: You can train yourself to get minimal sleep.

Not getting adequate sleep every night, even when it becomes routine, can and will result in sleep deprivation. Attempting to train your body to get used to less sleep will result in feeling more stressed, fatigued, and easier to get sick. Since sleep is vital, your body will react as a result of many chronic health problems.
Routinely getting less sleep can result in weight problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, and many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and depression just to name a few.
Myth 4: Naps during the day are a waste of time.
Napping during the day happens typically when you don’t get enough sleep during the night. However, it is recommended not to sleep too long so you can get enough sleep through the night.
Napping during the day helps maintain alertness throughout the day. It is also more sleep, which reduces the risk of disease(s) named above.
Myth 5: Sleeping with the TV on helps some people sleep better.

Studies show that people who sleep with the TV on don’t actually get quality sleep. To get adequate sleep, sleep experts suggest you be in complete darkness, with air flowing, and no sounds present. Sleeping with the TV on or any noise in particular not only affects the quality of sleep you get but it also interrupts your body’s melatonin production.
Most people who believe they need to sleep with the TV think that it helps when in reality it makes it harder to actually fall asleep, exposing your body to the blue light from electronics. You also have a higher chance of suffering from long-term health issues.
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Myth 6: The recommended amount of sleep is 8 or more hours.
For the average adult, the recommended amount of sleep is at least 7-9 hours. Now we know that that is not always possible due to busy and demanding schedules. Additionally, your age also plays a factor in how many hours of sleep you need a night. But of course the more, the better.
Myth 7: The time of day we sleep doesn’t matter.
Your body shuts down between the hours of 3am-5 am, also called the “dead zone”. However, when we get sleep between the hours of 10pm-2am, our body recovers the most. You tend to get more adequate rest and wake up more refreshed. The earlier you go to sleep, the easier it is to wake up earlier.
In conclusion, it is safe to say that getting enough sleep should be a part of our daily self-care routines, along with working out and eating right. Not only for our mental health but for physical health as well.
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