
How to Know Your Worth As a Woman in Five Simple Steps


Knowing your worth as a woman can take a lot of growth at first. But it begins with confidence, self-respect, and boundaries. These three simple components will take you further than settling for plain ole’ anything. Let’s discuss these components and the steps it takes to know your worth.

1. Set the tone

They say first impressions last forever right? Keep that in mind the first time you introduce yourself to someone. This is when people begin to form the idea of what type of person you are. So it is essential to approach every situation with confidence, so it comes off that you are indeed aware of how much you are worth. Even if you may not have even figured that out quite yet.

When it comes to confidence, sometimes it’s okay to fake the funk. Being confident can also be challenging at first but that’s totally normal. Even if you have to fake it at first continue to do so until confidence becomes a part of who you are. Walk in every room as you own it.

This is where respect is earned and can also determine how you will be treated by others. This does not mean you have to prove your worth to anyone, but you simply have to BE it. Making sure you are not treated otherwise is a part of trusting in yourself. Remember, you can be confident without being arrogant.

This is important because it lets people know you mean business, giving very little room for anyone to frolic with you.


2. Act on your worth! Pride is one powerful tool.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt rarely works out in the long run. You tell yourself “They’ll change” or “They’re just going through a tough time right now”. No, they won’t. Waiting for someone to change is the biggest mistake you can make on the journey to realizing your worth. When someone shows you their true colors, BELIEVE THEM. If you say you are no longer dealing with something, keep that promise and do not look back.

Pro tip #1: When you first get to know someone, they’ll show you their red flags right away.

Keeping your word for yourself will make it easier to fall through for others because it shows you’re dependable and everyone loves dependability. Demand your needs! You tell your supervisor you need x, y, and z or you will no longer need his/her services. If they truly appreciate you and know that you’re an asset to the company, they’ll meet them. The same thing goes for your relationships. If that person you have been dating cannot give you what you need, then you let them know, this simply will not work, etc. The one time you renege, it becomes a habit and no one will take you seriously.

Pro tip #2: Knowing your self-worth is very attractive to most, and will help you avoid f*ckboys entirely.


3. Settling only leads to poor judgment, have some dignity!

Allowing yourself to settle will put you in a space of comfort. Yes, comfort can be good, but it can also be detrimental in the process of knowing your worth. You basically get used to being treated like crap, and that it is normal. I would describe settling for less as “toxic comfortability”. When we hear toxic, we automatically know that it means- that something or someone is not suitable for our health (like a hazardous chemical). When you have reached that point in your life, then you know you deserve so much more.

No one wants to be around someone who settles for less than what they deserve, because it can come off as you lacking a sense of dignity. Therefore, treating others less than what they deserve. If you feel like you are not worthy of certain things or a certain life, why should anyone else be worthy of anything? This is the mindset of those who do not mind settling for whatever they can get. Ultimately, no one will value your opinion because they will see it as unworthy, the same way you see yourself.


4. You’ll regret not treating yourself better in the long run.

Once people see how you view yourself, they with treat you as such. Which can also lead to a continuous cycle of being taken advantage of. That should not be the reason you treat yourself as worthy though. Once you have finally reached the point where you know your worth, you will look back on everything that you have put up with in the past and feel disgusted with yourself. That is a part of the growth process.

I find that when I have reached the point of disgust, I usually never allow it to happen again. Almost like when you eat something and it tastes disgusting…you will most likely never eat it again. Surrounding yourself with people who will challenge you to be better is also a very important part of the process. I almost 100% of the time want and expect the truth from everyone around me. Feedback is what helps you grow and evolve, but you must be open to receiving it.


5. Have Non-Negotiables.

Non-negotiables are your boundaries that are NOT open for debate. I cannot stress the importance of setting boundaries for yourself. So when people try and cross those boundaries, that is when your self-respect comes in. Figure out those non-negotiables that you will not tolerate and apply those to everyday life, then don’t look back.

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Published: August 26, 2021

Edited: August 25, 2023

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6 Comments on “How to Know Your Worth As a Woman in Five Simple Steps

  1. I love it, it felt very much relatable with my life. Your 20s are definitely no joke. Trying to find yourself all while working a job and supporting yourself. Can’t wait to see what’s next !

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